



医院在加强业务建设的同时,大力实施 “科技兴院”战略。于2013年成立中心实验室,投入200余万元加强实验室平台建设,拥有博士后1名,博士1名,已建立常规细胞生物学、免疫生物学、分子生物学实验技术,已发表SCI论文共12篇。医院近三年承接各级科研课题共近百项,其中国家级课题12项,完成了国家“十一五”重大专项《中医药治疗肺结核临床科研基地建设》,并作为责任单位承担国家十二五科技重大专项课题—中药多方多途径多耐药及广泛耐药肺结核临床研究与方案筛选(课题编号2013ZX10005004)。同时获得4项国家自然科学青年基金资助项目。国家十一五课题成果项目—中医药治疗肺结核临床研究与应用获得长沙市科技进步奖一等奖,为近三十年来市直医疗单位首家获得此殊荣的医疗机构。“益肺通络颗粒”的研制荣获湖南省中医药科技三等奖。2012年医院检验科成功通过了国家ISO15189医学实验室验收。药物临床试验机构共承接99项临床研究,医院的发明《黄连素在制备治疗急性髓系白血病的药物中的应用》被国家知识产权局授予专利。


医院以优美的环境、先进的设施、优质的服务和优良的技术水平赢得了良好的社会口碑,获得全国百姓放心示范(百佳)医院、全国模范职工之家、卫生部医院改革创新奖、2018年度“进一步改善医疗服务行动计划”表现突出奖,”国家卫计委医政医管局“改善医疗服务创新医院”、国家卫计委“后勤管理创新医院”、国家卫计委改善医疗服务行动计划三年总结评比“2015-2017年改善服务先进典型-加强人文关怀示范医院”“”全国绿化模范先进单位、全国医院感染监测先进单位、全国综合医院中医药工作示范单位、全国健康管理示范基地、中国创伤救治联盟创伤救治中心建设单位、“医院人文建设实践基地”(2018.3.9-2021.3.8),国家卫生计生委脑卒中筛查与防治基地(2018.5-2021.4)、“脑心健康管理师团队一等奖 ”、医院顺利通过“中国胸痛中心”认证(2017.12-2020.11),被香港艾力彼医院管理研究中心评为“2017中国医院竞争力•省会市属/计划单列市医院100强(第19名)。医院荣获湖南省“2015-2017年全省改善医疗服务行动示范医院”湖南省省级文明窗口单位、省医院管理年活动先进单位、省优质护理服务先进单位、湖南省医疗执业先进单位、湖南省临床用药监测先进单位、长沙市文明单位等荣誉称号。全院职工秉承“忠诚、敬业、严谨、创新”的院训,以优质服务体现“以人为本、患者至上、质量第一、诚信奉献”的医院理念,不断满足人民群众对卫生服务的需求。

Changsha Central Hospital (CCH) is an award–winning public hospital which offers general and emergency medical service, health care, rehabilitation treatment to patients and provides teaching and research facilities to university students. It was established in 2000 after two years preparation. The new hospital merged four medical institutes in community. They were the second, the fifth hospital of Changsha, first-aid station and institute of gerontology. The main campus locates at the junction of Shaoshan Road and overpass of second ring road. The north campus locates at No.2 Xiangchun Road. The hospital covers an area of 12.66 hectare (the north campus is 1 hectare) including 13.03 hectare medical facilities. The total asset value of the hospital is 821 million Yuan. Equipped with advanced medical equipments such as Medical Linear Accelerator, Gyro Knife, 1.5T and 3.0T MRI, 64-MDCT, DSA, SPECT, DR, Four-Dimensional Color Ultrasound, Double Pulse Holmium Laser, Electronic Endoscope System, High Speed Automatic Biochemical Analyzer, Shenton Pathology Equipments...

Changsha central hospital offers a comprehensive range of medical specialties and services. 2735 on-duty staffs led by a highly experienced and skilled team of healthcare professionals. The specialties team consists of 29 highly respected Master tutors, 50 PhD holders, and 528 master degree holders. The hospital has 438 senior professional technicians and 761 intermediate professional technicians. We provide 2363 beds caring for a million people in southern Changsha. In addition, there are 78 clinical departments and medical laboratories in our hospital. We took proud of having  12 of province based and 10 of city based laboratories, 11 municipal level quality control centers which help improving the quality of medical researches. The hospital is a home for Hunan Institute of Gerontology, Hunan Institute of Tuberculosis and the Institute of Cancer, Changsha Acute Chest Pain Center, Acute Poisoning Center, Cancer Biotherapy Center, Stroke Center. There are many institutes in our hospital such as geriatrics, tuberculosis, cancer, microbiology and respiratory diseases. We are base of national drug clinical trial, national clinical Pharmacist training, national natural science foundation support unit. We are also state level pathological remote consultation and quality control pilot unit and state level stroke screening and prevention demonstration base, national senior stroke center construction unit. Cradle of MM of many famous medical school such as Central South University, Hunan University, Nanhua University, and Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. And it is also a clinical practice skill training base for residents and specialist nurse.

The comprehensive strength of our hospital enhanced rapidly ever science it’s establishing, and daily average inpatient amount to 2300, and daily average outpatient more than 3000. Hospital keeps pace with international and domestic technological frontier, actively introduce new technologies and projects. Tuberculosis (Pulmonary hospital of Changsha), urology, respiratory medicine, pediatrics, cardiovascular internal medicine, orthopedics, general surgery, oncology, emergency medicine, geriatric medicine and other professional areas have gain ?high influence. Nearly 90 years of development of tuberculosis Clinic technology makes the department have great influence in the whole country tuberculosis treatment, and this clinic technology takes a leading position. The traditional Chinese medicine treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis, CT-guided needle biopsy and treatment, and other medical treatment techniques are at the domestic advanced level. Soft ureter mirror technology and double pulse holmium laser lithotripsy technology were first applied in our hospital within central south area, and it stands on the leading level domestically. Urology pioneered the ambulatory surgery for the first time. General surgery applied the technology of gastrointestinal tumor resection with double mirrors, and thrombectomy by double mirrors, LCTD with Biliary lash mirror. All these took a leading position within our province. Spine surgery carried out very difficulty cervical spine operation and joint surgery completed joint replacement and arthroscopic surgery, which achieved an advanced level in China. Hospital established a multidisciplinary combination therapy system in tumor including radiotherapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, biological therapy, interventional therapy, TCM treatment, especially “Three Precise Radiotherapy" technology in malignant tumor, significantly improved the survival of tumor patients. Bronchoscopy frozen lung biopsy performed by the respiratory disease center reached the domestic advanced level. Respiratory medicine conducted bronchoscope and medical thoracoscope examination and treatment (patients ranked among the top in the province). We are good at differential diagnosis in lung diseases, treatment in grave respiratory diseases, COPD and pulmonary infectious diseases, chest interventional diagnosis, treatment of refractory pneumothorax, etc. As a national base for stroke prevention and control, our hospital carried out all the treatment for cerebral apoplexy, such as carotid endarterectomy, intracranial artery stent implantation, etc. Especially thrombolysis therapy at acute phase of cerebral infarction, greatly improved the survival rate and quality of life of cerebral apoplexy patients.  All these won a good social benefit.

Technology push is a key strategy of Changsha Central hospital recently. In 2013, we set up a central laboratory and invested more than 2 million Yuan to strengthen the construction of the laboratory platform. There is 1 postdoctor and 3 doctor so far. It has established routine cell biology, immunobiology, and molecular biology experimental techniques. They have published 11 SCI papers .We has conducted hundreds of R&D projects in last three years. Especially, the program using Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in tuberculosis treatment became a national important R&D project, which collected by the fifteenth national development plan. As a key member of national tuberculosis research organization, we patented another major research project (No.2013ZX10005004) that the study of rapid drug resistance in general tuberculosis treatment. At the same time, this project was founded by national natural science foundation program. The Chinese medicine project won the first prize in city innovative award; it is the first time for a hospital to win this honor in last three decades. The development project of Yifei tongluo granules won the third prize in province innovative award of Chinese medicine. CCH’s medical laboratory obtained the national laboratory examination standard (ISO 15189) in 2012.?The drug clinical trial institution has undertaken a total of 99 clinical studies. The hospital's invention "Application of berberine in the preparation of drugs for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia" was patented by the State Intellectual Property Office.

The hospital’s information management is fast and efficient. The network speed reaches 10G/second. We have fully implemented mobile medical and care. Many systems independently researched and developed by the hospital have obtained the computer copyright registration certificate of the National Copyright Administration. It is the first time in our province to introduce a fully automatic medicine dispensing machine which makes it easier and faster for patients to get medicines.

Our hospital has won a good social reputation with its beautiful environment, advanced facilities, excellent services and technique, and has won many honorary titles such as National Public Trusted Hospital , the Chinese health service brand in China, medical institutions credibility demonstration units, the ministry of health of hospital reform and innovation, national health development planning commission medical hospital authority "to improve the medical service innovation hospital", the national model green advanced unit, the national hospital infection monitoring work advanced unit, the national comprehensive hospital of traditional Chinese medicine demonstration unit, the national health management demonstration base, hunan provincial civilized window units, provincial hospital management year advanced unit, provincial quality care services advanced unit medical practicing advanced unit, hunan province, hunan province clinical drug monitoring advanced unit, bacterial drug resistance monitoring network in hunan province advanced unit in changsha city, changsha city civilization unit, top ten peace harmony model units such as the honorary title. Our hospital sets loyalty, dedication, precision and innovation as our motto, and provides excellent services so as to fulfill the hospital concept of "people-oriented, patient first, quality first, integrity and dedication". Constantly meet people’s demand for health care services.

长沙市中心医院就医指引 *门诊时间以医院公告为准





