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时间:2025-03-09  来源:养生秘籍  301次浏览  





假设我们正在中国某大型综合医院的呼吸内科病房内。今天是星期五下午4点30分,即将结束一天工作的张医生(Dr. Zhang)正准备将其负责病人的最新情况告知即将接班的李医生(Dr. Li)。两位都是经验丰富的主治医师,并且都具备良好的英语听说能力。为了便于理解,以下对话均采用简化版的专业术语。


Dr. Zhang: Good afternoon, Dr. Li. Thanks for coming in early. I want to go over a few key points regarding our patients before I leave.

- Dr. Li: Of course, Dr. Zhang. Please proceed.

- Dr. Zhang: Let's start with Mr. Wang, Room 205. He was admitted yesterday due to severe COPD exacerbation. We started him on intravenous antibiotics and bronchodilators. His oxygen saturation has improved from 85% to 92%, but he still requires supplemental oxygen at 3L/min via nasal cannula. The plan is to continue current therapy and monitor closely. Any questions?

- Dr. Li: No, that sounds clear. What about Ms. Chen in 310?

- Dr. Zhang: Ah, yes. She's here for evaluation of persistent cough and shortness of breath. Initial chest X-ray showed bilateral infiltrates suggestive of pneumonia. Blood cultures have been drawn, and we've started empirical antibiotic treatment. Her condition seems stable, but she needs further investigation including a CT scan tomorrow morning. Keep an eye on her temperature and respiratory rate.

- Dr. Li: Got it. And how about the new admission, Mr. Liu?

- Dr. Zhang: Mr. Liu, 412. He came in last night with acute asthma attack. We managed to stabilize him using nebulized albuterol and systemic steroids. Currently, his peak flow readings are within normal limits, but he remains anxious and reports difficulty sleeping. Consider adding a sedative if necessary, and ensure he follows up with his primary care provider once discharged.

- Dr. Li: Understood. Anything else I should be aware of?

- Dr. Zhang: Just one more thing - remember to check on all patients' medication lists and allergies. Make sure everyone receives their prescribed treatments without delay. Also, don't hesitate to call me or any other senior staff member if you encounter any issues during your shift.

- Dr. Li: Will do, thanks for the thorough briefing. Have a good evening, Dr. Zhang!

- Dr. Zhang: You too, take care!



- 信息完整性:每位患者的当前状况、诊断结果、已采取措施及后续治疗建议均需详细说明。

- 简洁明了:尽量避免冗长复杂的句子结构,使用简单直接的语言可以提高沟通效率。

- 互动提问:鼓励接班方提出疑问,有助于澄清模糊之处并增强记忆效果。

- 关注细节:特别指出需要注意的关键事项,如药物过敏史等,以防疏忽导致不良后果。

- 建立联系:明确指出遇到困难时可寻求帮助的对象,建立起团队间的信任和支持网络。

